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Zonta Club of Macau

Zonta International is a global, non-profit organization of executive and professional women working together with the mission of advancing the status of women around the world through service and advocacy.  The first Zonta Club was founded in Buffalo, New York in 1919. Currently, Zonta International is headquartered in Chicago. The organization has more than 30,000 members and 1,200 clubs in 67 countries and regions.

Macau is an international city embracing great development at high speed.  As the economy continues to thrive, the role of women in this city has become more important than ever.  Thanks to Ms. Pansy HO, the Club’s Honorary Chartered Patron and a world-renowned outstanding woman, for her timely support and advocacy, Zonta Club of Macau was established and officially registered with the Zonta Headquaters in 2014.  Ms. Christiana IEONG was the elected Chartered Chairperson and the President of the Executive Board till present.

Ho Iat Seng and Christiana Ieong.jpg
Zonta Club of Macau pays visit to Ho Iat

Throughout the years, Zonta Macau has united a group of professional women from a wide spectrum of professional and executive backgrounds including business and trade, academics, law, health care, engineering, tourism and exhibition, and many more. The Club has initiated a series of charity and social affair projects to address the needs and social issues concerning both women and children.

  • Zonta Club of Macau | Facebook
  • Zonta Club of Macau | YouTube

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