開放時間 / 遲到
全日托 澳門幣3,000元 星期一至六 08:30-18:30
半日托 澳門幣1,980元 上午班 08:30-12:00 下午班 14:00-17:30
當月的學費及其他雜費將提前一個月的月中(即15號)前透過銀行自動轉賬支付,敬請家長於該日前將托費存入戶口中。 逾期者,將被銀行扣取手續費。 每月托費是經由社工局核准之收費,不得擅自修改。
其他非固定費用或附加費用可以現金或支票繳付。支票抬頭請寫「Smart Nursery」或「崇專托兒所」。或者直接入帳至本所的銀行帳戶:
帳戶名稱:崇專托兒所 (中文) Smart Nursery (英文) Creche Smart (葡文)
帳號:XXXX (澳門幣MOP)
幼兒如欲退學者,必須不少於30日前以書面通知學校,以便本所辦理退學手續。 否則,家長需要繼續繳交下一個月份之學費。如未有任何通知的情況下自行退托或取消托位,崇專托兒所有權拒絕退還已繳的費用。
假期包括周日及本所的公衆假期;病假和事假,例如托兒保健體檢、生病、旅行請假等,都不能成爲豁免托費的理由。如到期日後仍未付款將被視爲放棄托位。如需申請病假或事假,請提前一個工作天致電托兒所或親臨接 待處索取請假表格。
Safety Management
Parents should carefully fill in the child information and provide at least 2 guardians’ contact numbers. If there is changes to contact information, please contact the nursery immediately.
Nursery Service Hours / Late Arrival
It is very important to establish good habits for children to be punctual. All children are required to arrive at nursery on time. If the child is late, please call the nursery before 9 am.
No entry to nursery allowed except for stated drop off/pick up time. Please inform our office or class tutors in advance if there is special circumstances or the parents could not pick up the child on time.
If parents fails to pick up the child on time and has not made any improvement despite several verbal reminders, the nursery has the right to charge the extended hour’s service fee or terminate the daycare service.
Withdrawal Procedure
For withdrawal request, please write in to nursery with advance 30 days’ notice from the intended withdrawal date. If not, parents should pay for the next month nursery fee due.
Holidays & Sickness
Holidays include Sundays and the nursery public holidays; sick leave and other leaves, such as child check-ups, illnesses, family travelling, etc., could not be a reason for exemption of nursery fee. Failure to pay after the due date will be considered a withdrawal. If you need to apply for sick leave or other leaves, please call the nursery or visit the reception counter one working day in advance to request a leave form.
Security System
The time each child arrives and leaves the nursery will be recorded daily through the smart card system. To ensure the safety of our young children, please follow the procedures as below:
The pick-up card cannot be transferred to another person. Parents, guardians or authorized pick up person must submit their information in advance for application of the pick up card. If there is changes of the pick-up person, please proceed to the office 3 working days in advance for updating the information to ensure the safety of the children.
Under any circumstance, we will not release the child to any unauthorized persons to pick up the child.
The Nursery has the rights to refuse any unregistered or unauthorized person or child to enter the nursery.
Please take care of your child after you have picked them up. Please do not chatting with other parents and let the children play by their own.
If the parent loss the pick-up card, he/she must notify the office immediately. The fee for a replacement card is MOP 100.
Healthy Diet Policy
The food menu of the nursery has been reviewed by the Social Welfare Bureau. Breakfast (additional charge of MOP 350/month), lunch and snacks are provided in the nursery. A monthly menu is posted on the lobby wall for parents viewing. If the child has any special dietary needs, please inform the nursery in advance.
For the sake of children's food safety, the snacks must be prepared by the nursery. Apart from special occasions, children should not bring their own food back to the nursery. We refused to accept all gifts from parents, such as peanuts, candy, chocolate, soft drinks and jelly, for sharing or as a gift to other children.
Nap & Rest
In order to make sure the toddlers have sufficient spirit for the full day program, we have set a nap time after lunch.
Parent’s Authorization
The outdoor activity authorization, filming and video recording in the nursery life authorization and medical authorization must be signed and confirmed by the parents when registering their child. The signed authorization forms will be kept by the nursery and returned to the parents upon graduation
Nursery & Special Holidays
All children are provided with nursery holidays calendar at the beginning of the term. Parents please keep it carefully as the nursery will not make any further notice on the holiday notice, except special holidays of the nursery.
In case of typhoon or heavy rain, parents should pay attention to the weather forecast on the radio and television announcements. In general, when the Typhoon signal or rainstorm warning is hoisted, the nursery will provide services as usual. Parents may decide whether to send their child to the nursery. Please refer to the following guidelines of the Macau Social Welfare Bureau [Nursery's arrangements for tropical cyclones and heavy rains].
Tropical Cyclones & Heavy Rains
When the rainstorm warning signal is in effect, the nursery will provide the service as usual, and the parents may decide whether to send their child to the nursery.
Arrangement of Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3.
When the Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3 is in effect, the nursery will provide services as usual, and parents may decide whether to send their child to the nursery. -
Known of the announcement for the typhoon signal No. 8 to be hoisted
When it is know that the typhoon No. 8 will be hoisted, parents should pick up their children as soon as possible. At the same time, the nursery will arrange sufficient staff to take care of the children in the nursery until all children leave. -
Announcement on the lowering of Typhoon Signal No. 8
When the typhoon No. 8 signal is lowered, the nursery will be reopened within one and a half hours to resume services.
If the typhoon signal No. 8 is lowered after 2:30 pm, the nursery will not open on the day.
For the safety of young children, do not let children wear any bracelets, necklaces, belts, ornaments, ropes, dangerous goods (knife, lighter, coins, drugs, toys that are not suitable for this age, etc.) and valuables to the nursery. The girl's hairband should not be hard or has sharp edge, and the boy's pants do not have a zipper.
Children must wear neatly and dressed in uniform, wear socks and strapless shoes or sneakers back to the nursery. No slippers, no pajamas. We encourage parents choosing simple clothes for their children, so that children can learn to wear and take off their clothes by themselves. This is an important step in training children to take care of themselves and self-reliance. Please try to avoid wearing difficult clothes, such as workers' pants.
Depending on weather and personal needs, parents can add a sweater, a back core or a jacket for the children. To make it easier for the child to identify their own items, parents please label your child name on all clothings.
Parents please make sure sufficient supplies of diapers, sweat pads and two sets of spare clothes in your toddler's bag every day.
Lost & Found
If unnamed clothes or other items are found, they will be placed in the lost & found box in the lobby for claim.
If the child accidentally drops the toy or item of the nursery into their pocket or takes it home, please return it to the nursery as soon as possible.
Parents Collaboration
Parents are a valuable resource for nursery. We welcome parents’ valuable advice or provide resources to the nursery through discussions, telephone calls, emails and other channels.
Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in voluntary activities. Through different activities, parents can understand better the daily nursery life and strengthen the interaction between the tutors/nursery staff, children and parents.
When at the nursery, if there are contradictions and disputes between the children, parents should not arbitrarily blame and intimidate the other child. They should adopt a positive attitude and guide the children correctly, and inform the tutors for their handling.
The "Parent-child Reading Promotion Scheme" is designed for our young children. Parents are urged to support the scheme in order to enhance the family's interest in reading and cultivating children's reading habit.
Birthday celebrations are a big day for young children. We welcome parents to participate and prepare for the children's birthday parties. All arrangements shall be in accordance with the nursery schedule and shall not affect the daily learning of young children.
Children Health
General Health Information
Please take your child to the morning check before entering the classroom. If the morning check confirms or suspects that the child is suffering from an infectious disease, parents please take the child to see a doctor and follow up with treatment. Parents are encouraged to check the child’s body temperature every day. If they are not feeling well, they should seek medical attention immediately or stay at home.
In the case of a child is suffering from an infectious disease, the child must stay at home until he/she is fully recovered. According to the Health Bureau's Guidelines on Prevention of Communicable Diseases in Social Service Facilities (the latest version can be found or downloaded from the Infectious Diseases Information website of the Health Bureau website (www.ssm.gov.mo)), parents must provide an original letter issued by the Health Bureau (i.e. “Certificate of Termination of Preventive Isolation (Suspension/Stop)” issued by the Health Authority) when returning to the nursery. If the child is found to be unwell when returning, the nursery will inform the parents to take the child back home to rest. If the family members of young children or those who are often in contact with children are suffering from an infectious disease, please isolate the child from the disease and inform the nursery timely to facilitate active prevention and observation to ensure the health of each child in the nursery.
If the child is asked to be isolated at home after being diagnosed by a doctor, please keep the child at home until he/she is fully recovered.
The nursery is only equipped with a health room (sickbay), no serious or emergency rescue facilities is available. Therefore, children are not allowed to take medicine in general during the nursery hours. However, considering the needs of parents and the health of the children, our staff will administer the prescribed medicines to the child (a dose at noon time of the day only) at the nursery. The medicines in the morning and evening need to be administered at home by parents. In addition, for the safety administration of children's medication, nursery do not accept over-the-counter medicines (including external medicines, homemade Chinese medicines) and medicines that children bring in to the nursery by their own. Our medicine administration service is only available to full day class children with non-communicable diseases. Parents must complete and submit a medication authorization and guideline to the nursery to follow up. The relevant forms can be obtained from our counter.
Allergies / Special Physique
If the child has congenital diseases, allergic constitution, habitual dislocation, autism, hyperactivity tendency, epilepsy, history of febrile seizures, family special medical history, etc., parents should file with the office at the time of enrollment, and inform the class tutors accordingly. This is to ensure that the tutors understands, observes and protects your child. If the parents conceal the situations and cause any incidents that endanger the safety of the child, the consequences are at your own risk.
Accident Report
During the nursery hours, if the child is injured accidentally, the nursery will decide whether to send the child to hospital for treatment and notify the child's parents immediately. If it is not a serious case, the child's tutor or staff will usually treat the affected area and then fill in the accidental injury form. The original form should be signed by the parent and then submitted to the nursery for follow-up (if any) and kept in the child's personal file.
Central Monitoring System
Before the child is enrolled, the office will inform the parents and obtain their consent to conduct all-day security surveillance video. All records will be treated confidentially and for record purpose only. If it required to be disclosed, the nursery will handle the request according to the legal proceeding.
Authorized to use images and videos
Any photos and videos taken at our events will be deemed to have been agreed and irrevocably granted to the Nursery and its other affiliates to use the photos and videos with parental consent and authorization. The photo or video may be used as a portrayal, image, portrait and sound promotion of the nursery to achieve the right to promote in any media. This includes, but is not limited to, television, catalogues, brochures, the Internet, and any other printed or written material related to the advertising and promotion of the cover or content of the Nursery or its other affiliates.
The new amendment to the "New Tobacco Control Law" came into effect on January 1, 2018. All areas of this nursery are completely non-smoking. It is also illegal to smoke or smoke e-cigarettes in places where smoking is prohibited. For details, please refer to Law No. 5/2011, Law No. 9/2017, “Prevention and Control of Smoking System”.
We reserve the right to make changes and updates. Any new and updated regulations will be notified to parents by notice!